1 quart jar with lid
1 cup of air dried soil
1 marker
1 teaspoon plain dish washing detergent
Water (2/3 jar)
Put all ingredients in the jar:
Shake hard for 5-10 minutes until all soil particles are broken up (the soap helps this process).
Let sit for exactly 2 minutes and mark the level that has settled to the bottom of your jar. This is your 'sand' portion.
Let settle for 2 hours and mark this level. This is your 'silt' portion.
Let settle for 2 days and mark this level. This is your 'clay' portion.
Record the measurements as fractions, and then convert to percentages (yes, it is time to refresh our math skills).
Loam is a 40/40/20 mix and is an ideal growing medium. Consult a reputable source for more details on recommended mixtures, and ways to adjust your mixture for your particular needs. I would start with http://www.norganics.com/applications/texture.pdf or http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/kswater/soil_texture_SPan.htm. Remember, try to use organic fertilizers whenever possible!
BTW, our garden tested out at a 50%/45%/5% mix of sand/silt/clay. Not perfect but now I have a starting point!
Now, put on your coveralls and get to work in your garden!